Sunday, July 4, 2010

Eclipse...Up Close and Personal

Last Tuesday night, Mom, Eric, Molly, Rex, Andrew, Allysa, and I all went to the midnight showing of the Twilight Saga: Eclipse. When we got to the theaters there was a huge line wrapped around outside so Andrew and I went to ask to make sure it was the right line we were supposed to be in. The guy that we asked said they already seated our auditorium. This was at about 10:15 pm. So we went inside and of course the place was packed. We had to camp out in the second row of the theater. I knew this was going to be a fun night for my neck, haha. Andrew, Allysa, Molly, and I played some Catch Phrase to pass the time. Once the movie started of course everyone in there was screaming and clapping. As the movie was playing my mom leans over and asks, "Does Edward look fat to you?" I started laughing because since we were sitting so close it was making the actors all look fat. A few minutes later Molly asked me the same thing. So while watching it I decided I needed to see it again where I can sit farther away and actually see everything. Once the movie ended it seemed like everyone in our group enjoyed it. I loved it. They have gotten way better compared to the first one. I'm actually planning on seeing it again tomorrow night with my friend from work :)


  1. Solid post.
    I'm glad I had the experience, but I don't think I would ever do that again haha.

  2. Yes, sitting that close was not very flattering for Bella, either. Her already bunny-like teeth looked even larger. Haha. Have fun seeing it again!

  3. it was so good even the second time around! nice when they didn't look so fat and I could see everything at once, haha

  4. Not sure I want to do the whole midnight showing again if it means sitting so close. I'd like to see it again from the back of the theater. :)
