A couple of months ago we got two puppies from Jill, Harley and Dallas. They are miniature wired haired dachshunds. Well Harley is a long haired and Dallas is the short haired. They sure can be a ton of fun! And yet on the other hand it is a real pain when I am sitting at my desk and I step into a little present that one of them left me. Oh, did I mention I was barefoot at the time? Gave everyone in my family a good laugh though!
Well Harley and Dallas sleep in my mom's room at night in a big kennel that has a bed inside of it for them. My mom bought a new big bed for it the other day at Costco and Harley got the biggest kick out of it! She was jumping all over it just like a little kid! I had to grab my camera and record some of it.
This is the type of thing that is just hard not to laugh it!
When we told her to come out...she would just lay down. Who doesn't love a new bed huh? Dallas didn't get as big of a kick out of it, but he did like laying on Andrew's legs!